Practical Application - Delphi Academy of Los Angeles |Educate your Child today

Practical Application

An education is useless unless it can be effectively applied to life outside the classroom. That’s why Delphi students spend a good part of their day in a variety of tasks that require they put what they are learning to real use. This hands-on approach takes the form of practical applications, which are included in many of the courses they study, Student Services jobs, school and club projects, as well as apprenticeships that allow students to explore career options.

Emphasis on the practical application of academics ensures that each student gets a first-hand education in thoroughness, competence, responsibility and getting a job done.


To assist in this, each High School Level has a required student-proposed project of minimum length twenty-five hours for Freshmen up to one hundred hours for Seniors. These projects can be in areas aligned with student interests and purposes, or in areas where students could benefit from increased interaction with the environment around them. It is through these projects specifically that students are expected to demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills.


Apprenticeships are a vital part of the High School students’ programs. With all the emphasis placed on the importance of application to what they are studying, apprenticeships offer students an opportunity to gain both experience and exposure in areas of interest. The program allows the student to “test” possible career choices in a real world environment, while at the same time learning skills and knowledge from professionals in the field.

Examples of typical apprenticeships include working with companies and/or individual professionals in veterinary medicine, law enforcement, software development, film production, music production, politics and wildlife management.