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Middle School Practical Activities

There are practical requirements for Middle School students throughout their academic studies, providing them with important real-life experience in conducting experiments, making useful products, participating in activities that further enhance their understanding of the subjects taught or in learning a new skill. Practical consists of both projects and skill development. Out in the Field Getting …

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Humanities, Life Skills

Literature Students work their way through an extensive reading program while in the Middle School, reading books of increasing difficulty from a list of fiction, historical fiction, biographies, autobiographies and non-fiction. The books also integrate with the texts utilized in the history courses. Students will read an average of five to ten books per month, …

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Head of Middle School

Greetings, I know middle school years can be some of the most challenging in a young person’s life, both academically as well as socially, thereby presenting a unique set of problems for the student, parent and educator to solve. Pre-teens face critical choices in a high-tech world that makes our children aware of more and …

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Math, Science, Social Science

Mathematics & Technology Focus in the Middle School is on introducing new mathematics concepts and on developing greater degrees of instant response to basic arithmetic calculations. Students work more independently and learn more theory behind formulas and calculations. In addition to reviewing and increasing proficiency in all previous mathematics, the following new mathematical concepts are …

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Middle School

The Middle School years form the critical transition period from students competent in the basics of reading, writing and mathematics to students launched into more serious academic study. For Middle School students, our concentration is on maintaining and raising the standards of those basic tools learned earlier, becoming focused and independent as students and getting …

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