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Art & Music Program

Why are art and music important in early learning? Art has long been a traditional and important aspect of early childhood development as part of developing the “whole” child. Young children benefit from artistic expression, gaining a sense of satisfaction as a result of the control they have over the materials and the decisions they …

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Early Learning

What are we learning in preschool? Physical Development: Gross motor skills, like balance, exercise, movement coordination and control and ball skills. Fine motor skills, like grasping, hand-eye coordination, drawing, cutting, holding pencil, brush, scissors correctly. Social Development: Peer interaction (sharing, taking turns, cooperating, following rules in group games). Recognizing feelings of others, respecting others’ property, choices and …

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Preschool Approach

Our Approach to Preschool Education Our approach to preschool education is quite simple. We believe children shouldn’t have information force fed, but that a gentle approach which focuses on them learning each basic tool very well with an emphasis on actually using what they learn in their life. Environment is a key part of the …

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Elementary School Practical Activities

There are practical requirements for Elementary School students throughout their academic studies, providing them with important real-life experience in conducting experiments, making useful products, participating in activities that further enhance their understanding of the subjects taught or in learning a new skill. Practical consists of both projects and skill development. “Research” is a concept that …

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Practical Application

An education is useless unless it can be effectively applied to life outside the classroom. That’s why Delphi students spend a good part of their day in a variety of tasks that require they put what they are learning to real use. This hands-on approach takes the form of practical applications, which are included in …

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