Admissions - Delphi Academy of Los Angeles |Educate your Child today


Although most students enroll in September, the highly individualized nature of the Delphi program allows qualified students to enroll at other times during the school year, space permitting. Priority is given to those eligible students first completing the full application procedure. Tuition and materials fees are prorated according to the date of enrollment.

Spaces are available for mid-term and January enrollment and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis for qualified applicants.

Go to Procedure to find out more about the admissions process.

Choosing ‘the right’ school for your child–one that fosters growth, instills a strong moral code, makes the pursuit of knowledge enjoyable, combines learning with demonstrated application, and helps create dreamers, doers and leaders–is a parent’s ultimate goal. That school is rare indeed and should be sought out. My wife and I truly believe we have found that gem at Delphi Academy.”